Congratulations, you’re in!
Watch your e-mail for private login information to your Peace Principle course.
Give it a few moments as it’s on the way!

Direction, guidance, and accountability matter. A LOT. 

While you’re waiting…Sacred Health Academy opens twice a year for new enrollment, it’s a powerful journey of awakening your blueprint of health and wholeness in every cell of your body to heal pain, fatigue, or the plethora of health concerns a woman in the second half of her life is challenged with.  This is a private invitation, to make sure you don’t miss your exclusive invitation, I invite you to put your name on the waitlist. There is no obligation for this, it’s so you don’t miss the private opening!  Fill in your name and e-mail and you’ll never miss a thing 🙂

If you have any questions e-mail:

Copyright © 2023 Laurie Morse · San Diego, CA 92103 · United States