About Us

I’m Here to Guide You to Create the Heart Health and Wholeness that is You!
So that you can live a long, healthy life.

I love guiding a woman to Heart Health because our heart is a Divine messenger. If you are a woman who has a formal heart diagnosis, or maybe you haven’t been given a formal diagnosis but have early warning signs such as rising cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, or blood glucose…time is of the essence if your intention is to live a long, healthy life.

When I sit with a woman and she shares any number of physical symptoms with me such as shortness of breath, anxiety, worry, excess weight, sleep problems, tight or strained muscles, changes in cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, or blood sugar levels, she’s describing her internal wasteland and doesn’t even realize it. She’s terrified and doesn’t know what to do about her fear. She fights against it, turns away from it, or freezes in the face of it.

Fight, Flight, Freeze…nervous system reactions that are normal yet, we are not designed to live in them permanently. Until death do us part. Thus, all that fear is kept in a tidy container lest it pour forth and smother her to death.

Unfortunately, that container is our heart, body and energy system. It is clear to me that hardened arteries is our heart asking for softness, that blockages are asking for opening and flow, that inflammation is asking for healing of old pain that’s burning from the inside, and blood sugar increases are asking for a real and honest connection to the sweetness of natural life.

Thus I guide her to her inborn blueprint for Health, Expression, Abundance and Love, by using the compost of her life to nourish her awakening. There are 7 Failproof Steps to Heart Health that when applied prevent and reverse heart disease, no matter what stage. A human heart has a particular language. Image, symbol, words, and color, intentionally applied to a creative process in service of healing to Wholeness guide a heart to heal.

The essence of our work together is healing, alchemy or transmutation. What does that even mean? To me, it means transforming old beliefs stories, and patterns that have been held in our DNA, passed on through our lineages, and programmed into our psyche, into new vital energy. That vital energy is Love herself.

By making new and intentional choices, you are able to cause this alchemy. You’re able to unhook from old stories, beliefs and paradigms that no longer serve, in exchange for truth, evolution, and conscious awakening. Believe it or not, your old ‘stuff’ is the perfect compost for blossoming anew.

I help you stay centered in your Soul and discover your Truth, make wise choices for heart health and prevent and reverse heart disease.  Why? Because the science is very clear…Heart Disease is reversible.

We have Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. These are four immutable, inborn, divine rights that you and I have. These rights are treasures coded in every single cell. They just need to be activated.

It’s your job as a spirit-centered woman to activate, awaken, and access those treasures. We have this life to mine that treasure. And we have the 7 Failproof Steps to Heart Health, as a map and guide to your inner treasure.

By making new and intentional choices, you are able to cause this alchemy. You’re able to unhook from old stories, beliefs and paradigms that no longer serve, in exchange for truth, evolution, and conscious awakening. Believe it or not, your old ‘stuff’ is the perfect compost for blossoming anew.

I help you stay centered in your Soul and discover your Truth, make wise choices for heart health and prevent and reverse heart disease.  Why? Because the science is very clear…Heart Disease is reversible.

We have Health, Ease, Abundance, and Love coded in our cells. These are four immutable, inborn, divine rights that you and I have. These rights are treasures coded in every single cell. They just need to be activated.

It’s your job as a spirit-centered woman to activate, awaken, and access those treasures. We have this life to mine that treasure. And we have the 7 Failproof Steps to Heart Health, as a map and guide to your inner treasure. 


Most woman need a guide, that’s my job.

Health, and heart health in particular, is a divine birthright and awakening this intelligence, and embodying it is what brings it into being. I’m devoted to helping women transform outdated programming in order to mine the health of her abundant heart.

To me, our current times are making it obvious that each woman is being called to her most True and best Self, to speak her truth, and to offer her heart-ful gifts to those around her in family, friendship, and business. It’s a VITAL aspect to bringing humanity, earth, and all her inhabitants into harmony and balance. It’s required to create the new earth. I carry in every cell of my being a devotion to this for my own life, and for every woman who feels this call to come home to herself.


How I Discovered this Path….

I received my Master’s Degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine more than two decades ago and have been a practicing acupuncturist, herbalist, nutritionist, artist, best selling author, and healthy lifestyle designer all the while. About a dozen years ago my passion for Chinese Medicine expanded into the realm of “Healing Art.” Completing an art certificate program at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in 2011, private training from a master Chinese Brush Painter, becoming a Certified Teacher through the Intentional Creativity Foundation, all the while engaging in my own creative healing and art making, I am well equipped to wield my magic paint brush to powerfully guide others in their creative healing journey. Creating art is a healing force and my service is about inspiring and supporting a woman’s healing journey of wholeness, to awaken her innate intelligence to heal, to express and empower herself, to activate abundance, and enliven her love. An acronym I’ve loved for years…HEAL.

I have heart disease on both sides of my family, there was a point about 15yrs ago when my heart health markers were heading in the wrong direction so I had to figure out the recipe to reverse those markers and not die before my time, like so many do. I discovered seven distinct steps, ingredients to a recipe if you will, that create a healthy heart every time. The ‘every time’ part I discovered in my work with hundreds of other women since my first discovery. One of the steps is an intentional connection with the Source of Life Herself, Love, or the Creative Life Force.

When I’m engaged with the Creative Life Force, I can be more present, make wise heart healthy choices, be creative, be inspired by whole and colorful foods, I sleep better, enjoy moving and breathing in sync with the rhythm of the earth; happiness, self-worth, and ease increase, and I receive wonderful guidance, insights, and answers to questions that are important to my heart and life. I’ve healed through heart disease and some of my toughest stuff because of my connection with the Source of Life and that creative connection, where nothing else could reach it. I’m not the only one as research shows.

When I facilitate the 7 Failproof Steps to Heart Health for other women, they share a similar experience. Luckily for those who engage, these outcomes seem to be embedded in the act of connection and creating itself with no art experience necessary. A guide is important in the beginning, then it’s a skill you have for life.

Here’s what a couple of women have to say, “The 7 Steps to Heart Health Program was my first experience with a creative healing process. While I didn’t consider myself ‘creative’, I was overjoyed with this beautiful experience full of amazing nuggets of wisdom. My inflammation went down, I started eating healthier and my eyes were opened to new possibilities, my heart was nurtured, my inner critic softened and most importantly my inner creative self was allowed to play!”

“Exploring my health through this program and the creative process has provided a process for making the choice of how my life can be lived. It has shown me that it’s up to me to create a healthy heart and that I have had all along an inner healer which includes wisdom and guidance that’s always there when I tap in. I’ve successfully reversed heart disease, and know now that I can maintain this level of health for a long time.”

“I grew so much spiritually. I thought I was in good spiritual shape, but I didn’t know how much I was disconnected until going through these steps that by the way, reversed my heart disease! I now have such a different view of life and my potential. It also uncovered many areas that now I would like to do the Creative Healing Process with.”

More things you may (or may not:) want to know about me…

I love tea and drink it all day long, no matter the season. I love my ever-evolving creativity. Big and small canvas alike. Wood panel, watercolor and my first love…collage. It’s the paper I fell in love with. Beautiful paper feels ancient to me, the texture, the colors, and the fact that someone created that beauty from a tree. Wow. I love to read and have several books going at the same time, I just adore a well written story. Art mimicking life and I learn so much. As well, I love to write. I also love to dance. Choreographed contemporary Jazz, and we perform once a year in the beginning of June. Rocks my world! Everything I do to stay healthy is to… a) feel good in my body, b) avoid getting unnecessarily tangled in the medical system, c) be able to paint on big canvas without limitation (bending, lifting, reaching etc.), and, d) so I can dance!

I’m in a blessed partnership with my husband David and we have two cats that we adore, Sage and Isabel.

My life’s work is creating and teaching practical ways to gain access to the health that already lives inside of you. I empower and guide spirit-centered women — those already in relationship with the Universe or Source of Life, who want to be actively engaged in preventing and reversing heart problems and creating a healthy heart in order to live a long and healthy life.

If this is you, I look forward to welcoming you onto the powerful journey of heart health.

Copyright © 2023 Laurie Morse · San Diego, CA 92103 · United States